Chapter 1700 Refining the Kunming Pearl
**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s** p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**"**good**, **positive**good**refining**chemical**kun**ming* **It **** also** needs** some** time**. **"**<**b**r** **/**>**<* *b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;* *&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**Ou**yang**长**风**面** ** ** The Snake ** King ** ordered **: ** "** You **, ** now ** give ** me ** to ** destroy ** that* *The ****** sea** bottom** fire** mountain** *sand** coral* clusters** *sends** the *** formation**!**”**<**b**r ** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n* *b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**” **This**…**…**Master**, I** am *severely* injured**, can** I** not** …** ... **"** Six ** Wings ** Black ** Snake ** King ** has some ** hesitation ** . **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p**; ************************************************************************************************** *handle**. **What's more**, **you **are ** going **** Show **, **then** you **cheated** your father**. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **P** The **big** demon ** who ** ranks ** ** in the ** **** hall ** the ** sky ** sea ** has become ** a** * * * **The **spirit** beast** of *human**, **I'm **afraid** that **their **skin* will be **picked** off **by **their **self**! **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p**; ***** *?** If you don’t** want to** die**, just **quickly** go** and do it**!**”**<**b**r** **/**>**<* *b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;* *&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**“**Yes**Yes**Yes**! **"**Six**wings**Black**Snake**King** was frightened** and jumped**, and could only** be **frightened** to** shrink**. The abbreviation for ** is ** yes **. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p** Got the **Six**wings**Black**Snake**King**.
**<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p**; **There's **a **mountain** cave** in **that's **very** **hidden**. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** , ** otherwise ** then ** is ** looking ** not ** to ** this ** place ** . **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p** ******** * This ** teleportation ** formation ** can ** directly ** pass ** to ** the **** bottom of ** the ** sea ** fire ** mountain ** ** **Coral** bush**. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p** ******** ************************************************** *Teleported** sent** out** to**. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p** coming**. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p**;**"**Master**, **according to** your ** instructions**, I** have** ******** * Traces **! **" **Snake** Wang ** said ** to ** Ou ** Yang ** Changfeng ** and bowed ** **. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p**;**"**Okay**.**"**<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/* *>**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**Ou**yang **changfeng** **satisfied** points** ***** *****Beast **Bag** **. ****************************************************************************************************************************************** **Two **Kun**Ming ** beads**, **thrown** to **Shen** Lang**: **"**Brother Shen**, **this* *things** are given to** you**.
**”**<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p*; ** Queen ** frowned ** and said **: ** "Brother ** Ou ** Yang **, ** this **...**...**" **<* *b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p**;** &**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p* *; **The **** place** has a **limited** influence on **me**. **And**Brother Shen**you**are**with**pure**Yang**power**, and the **terrestrial** fear** of the **Netherworld** **I'm **afraid **that **you **have ** a big ** impact ** *Beads ** guarantee ** that ** there will be ** no ** loss **. **Relax**** Brother Shen**, **Chang**feng** has **three** Kun** beads** in total. , **I **have **one ** ** left ** for myself ** too. **”**<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**“**Many**thanks**. **"** Shen ** Lang ** didn't ** have any ** pretense **, and ** just ** took it ** directly. **<**b** r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n **b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;** **It's true** that **this **Kun** Ming ** Pearl** has ** great ** use** for **himself**. **You** Ming* ***** **Kun**Ming** Pearl**, **the body** condenses** out** the **aura** of **Kun** Ming** Pearl**, ** **should **be **not **affected** by **the **qi ** of **yin**turbidity**. **<**b**r** ** /**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b** s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**photo**six* *wings**black**snake**s**said**that, the **most** parts** of **the **world** can be **done** ****** Will ** be ** affected **. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**& **n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p** ** ********************************************************************************************** **Born ** hope **. ** Kun ** Ming ** beads ** can ** make ** monks ** not ** suffer ** Nether ** Ming ** **The **space** of **the **ground** is **compressing**, and ** maybe ** maybe ** we can ** save ** our ** own ** lives **.* *<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p** ;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s* *p**;**"Why **should** say **thank you** between** you** and me**. **"**O**yang **chang**feng** shook** his** head**, and **sighed** and said**: **"**Shen** Brother **, it's ** Chang ** Feng ** who ** tired ** you ** **.
**”**<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b ****s**p**; Said **: ** "**Don't ** say** such ** words**, **wait ** until ** this ** crisis has passed** *, **you ** and I ** will ** drink ** and talk ** to each other ** again. **”**<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**“**Good**! **”**<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**; "**Brother Shen**, the **teleport** to **the ** palace ** at the ** bottom of ** the ** sea ** has been** taken* *Destroyed**, **the **those **monks** and human **monks** outside **are ** for the time being. **There's no **** way** to **find ** this ** here ** ** we ** should ** have ** time ** to ** practice ** Transform **Kun** Ming** Pearl**. **Let's **enter** into the ** palace ** at the bottom of the ** sea first**. **”**<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**;**Shen **lang** slightly** slightly** nodded**.**<**b**r** **/**>**< **b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**; **&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**Two** people** are** now** ********************************************************************************************************************************************************* **It's **excellent** to **** and **** ***** ********* *********** **but **there is **no** way** to **get **in and **out ** except **without **attacking ** Array** method**.**<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b **s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&** n**b**s**p*; *Break **open **a **gap **. **"**Little **rou **, **can **you** **be **in **not ** **************************************************************************************************************** Where is the **gap**? **"** Shen ** Lang ** said ** to ** little ** Rou ** and started ** a ** message**. **<**b** r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n **b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;** "**Mr.**, please be at ease** and leave it to **little** Rou**." **”**<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s* *p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b **s**p**; ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** *Tao**Blood**Charm**God**Light**.
**<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p** **Hold ** to ** ** the ** *** **The **light** shield** of the **wall** opens** a** opening**. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p** ; **It's **so** long**, **take advantage of **this** and hurry **in** quickly! **" **小**rou **to** ** *Shen ** Lang ** and ** Ou ** Yang ** Chang ** Feng ** shouted ** Tao ** . **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p** ***** *. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p** The gap ** gradually ** gradually ** recovers ** and ** blends ** together ** . **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p** ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** **. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p**; The **strike** of the **monk** who lives in** the** transformation** stage**. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p**; **After** chatting** for a few** words, the two** people** began** to meditate**. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p**; It's **expensive** and ** is ** now ** so ** good ** that ** can ** be ** recovered ** over **. ******** ****** *Should **deal with** any **crisis**.
**<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p** **recover** the **wasted** spiritual ** power** over ** and ** then ** start ** refining ** *Hua**qi**kun**ming**zhu**. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p** ; **I **have** a **** feeling** about ****, but ** you **** have to ** be ** ***** ********* with **** **After **refining** and **chemicalizing**, **more** a **special** Qi** will come out **from **the **body**. Breath **, ** this ** breath ** can ** avoid ** yourself ** from ** the ** earth ** void ** of the ** Netherworld **. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ **Qi** invades** into** the **body**. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p**; After ** Shen ** Lang ** had ** two ** ** and ** Wan ** had no ** one ** lost ** . **After **refining** the **Kun** Ming ** beads**, the **special **qi** was produced ** in ** the ** body**. Interest ** should ** be ** sustainable ** for ** a ** long ** period ** . **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p** ; How many ** days ** time ** will it take. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Pearl**. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p**; There was a **gray** colored** breath**, which was **ten** thick**. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p** It can ** spread ** automatically ** to ** the whole ** body. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **P** ***** The *yin** turbid **qi ** had almost ** had ** no ** effect ** on ** him.
**<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p** * * * * * * * * * ***** * * * * ***** **Often** practical**. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p**; ******** **The **effect** of **this **makes **Shen **Lang ** feel **great **at ease **in **his heart. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p** He ** refining ** his ** self ** the ** Kun ** Ming ** Bead **. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p**; ************************************************************************************************** *There is a **question**. **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p**;**"**Boom**Boom**Boom**!**"**<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r ** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n **b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**The whole **stone** room** roars** ****************************************************************************************************************** *If you* can't* hold it*, it* will* collapse* directly*! **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **P** A** and a half**, the ** original ** seal** on the ** wall** of the ** Netherworld ** was * * * ******** *********************************************************************************** **<**b**r** **/**>**<**b**r** **/**>**&**n**b**s**p* *;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s**p**;**&**n**b**s **p**; ** you ** ***** ******* *exploded** the whole ** palace ** at the bottom of the ** sea **! **