Chapter 1867 Flying to Pluto
Chapter 1867 Flying to Pluto
After hearing Zhao Zhongyao's words every day, he also smiled and said,'Dad said yes, let's get out of here quickly! '
So, Zhao Zhongyao's family hurriedly left this place with the amethyst gem, and they quickly returned to the spaceship.
After arriving on the spaceship, Zhao Zhongyao drove the spaceship away from Triton again.
Next, they were looking for the tenth amethyst gemstone. According to the star map, the tenth amethyst gemstone is on Pluto.
At this time, Feifei looked at Zhao Zhongyao and said, "Dad, we have found the ninth amethyst gemstone, and we are going to find the tenth amethyst gemstone next." The tenth amethyst gem should be on Pluto! '
Because Pluto is the outermost planet in the solar system, and the tenth amethyst gem can only be on this planet.
Zhao Zhongyao smiled and said,'Yes, our next stop is Pluto. '
‘Okay, let’s hurry to Pluto! ’ Feifei said happily.
Next, Zhao Zhongyao drove the spacecraft to Pluto.
During the flight to Pluto, Tiantian asked Zhao Zhongyao to talk about how he and Feifei got the ninth amethyst gem.
Zhao Zhongyao told Tiantian again about how he and Feifei got the ninth amethyst gemstone.
I listen to it every day, and I feel amazing. So, she looked at Zhao Zhongyao again and said, Dad, shall we hurry to Pluto? We need to find the tenth amethyst gem quickly. Now we are getting closer and closer to the goal of twelve amethyst gemstones. '
Feifei said again, 'Dad, you should tell us about Pluto first! We want to know something about this dwarf planet that is very far from our earth. '
After hearing Feifei's words, Zhao Zhongyao smiled and said, 'Okay, then I'll give you some more knowledge about Pluto! '
Next, Zhao Zhongyao told everyone some knowledge about Pluto.
Pluto is a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt. Pluto is the first Kuiper belt object discovered, the first pluto-like object, and the largest and second most massive dwarf planet known in the solar system.
Among the celestial bodies orbiting the sun directly, Pluto ranks 9th in volume and 10th in mass. Pluto is the largest trans-Neptunian object, second only to Eris in a discrete disk. Like other Kuiper belt objects, Pluto is mainly composed of rock and ice, and its mass is relatively small, only 1/6 of the moon's mass and 1/3 of the moon's volume.
Pluto's orbital eccentricity and inclination are relatively high, with a perihelion of 30 AU (4.4 billion km) and an aphelion of 49 AU (7.4 billion km). Pluto will periodically enter the inner orbit of Neptune, but will not collide due to the orbital resonance with Neptune. At an average distance, sunlight takes 5.5 hours to reach Pluto.
In 1930, Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto and regarded it as the ninth planet. After 1992, some Pluto-like objects in the Kuiper belt began to challenge its planetary status. The mass of Eris, discovered in 2005, was even 27% more massive than that of Pluto. Therefore, the International Astronomical Union formally defined the concept of a planet in 2006, excluding Pluto from the ranks of planets and reclassifying it as a dwarf planet.
Pluto has five known satellites, orbiting from inside to outside: Charon, Charon V, Charon II, Charon IV, and Charon III. The centers of mass of Pluto and Charon lie outside of either body and are informally considered a double dwarf planetary system.
The plains on Pluto's surface are more than 98 percent nitrogen ice, with traces of methane and carbon monoxide. Nitrogen and carbon monoxide are most abundant on Pluto's surface facing away from Charon, at longitude 180° in the heart-shaped Tombaugh region's west lobe, Sputnik Planum, while methane is most abundant near its eastern longitude 300°.
Mountains are made of water ice. Pluto's surface is highly variable, with wide variations in brightness and color. Pluto is one of the most contrasting objects in the solar system, as strongly contrasted as Iapetus.
Colors range from charcoal black to deep orange and white. Pluto's color is more similar to that of Io, slightly more orange than Mars, and less red than Mars. Notable geographic features include the Tombaugh region or heart (a large bright region facing away from Charon), the Cthulhu spot or cetacea (a large dark region in the trailing hemisphere), and the " Rings of Brass" (a series of equatorial dark regions on the leading hemisphere)
Sputnik Planum is the west lobe of the heart-shaped region, a 1,000-km-wide basin covered with nitrogen ice and carbon monoxide ice, with polygonal convective cells carrying water ice shells and floating masses of sublimation pits toward the Its edges move, with clear signs of glaciers flowing into and out of the basin. Sputnik Planum has no impact craters visible to New Horizons, suggesting it is less than 10 million years old. The latest research puts the surface at around 180,000 years old.
The New Horizons science team summarizes the preliminary findings as: "Pluto displays a surprising diversity of geological features, including those generated by glaciology, surface-atmosphere interactions, and impact, tectonic, and possibly cryovolcanic and mass-loss processes. In the western part of the Sputnik Plain, winds blowing from the center of the plain toward the surrounding mountains form lateral dunes. Dunes have wavelengths in the 0.4-1 km range and are likely composed of methane particles 200-300 microns in size.
Like other members of the Kuiper Belt, Pluto is thought to be a leftover planetesimal after planet formation. These tiny celestial bodies belong to the sun around
Part of the protoplanetary disk, but failed to fully fuse into a complete planet.
Most astronomers agree that Pluto's current position was the result of a sudden planetary migration from Neptune in the early days of the solar system's formation. As Neptune migrated outward, it approached the objects in the original Kuiper belt, captured one of them orbiting it (Triton), locked some objects into a state of resonance, and pushed others into a chaotic orbit.
The Scattered Disk is a dynamically unstable region overlapping the Kuiper Belt, and Scattered Disk objects are thought to have been pushed to their current positions by resonant interactions with Migrating Neptune.
In 2004, Alessandro Morbidelli of the Côte d'Azur Observatory in Nice, France, created a computer model that Neptune's migration into the Kuiper Belt might be triggered by the formation of a 1:2 resonance between Jupiter and Saturn.
Gravity pushed Uranus and Neptune into higher orbits and caused them to swap orbital positions, eventually doubling Neptune's distance from the sun. The resulting ejection of objects from the proto-Kuiper belt could also explain the late heavy bombardment period and the origin of the Jupiter Trojan asteroids 600 million years after the formation of the solar system.
Pluto orbited in a nearly circular orbit about 33 AU from the Sun prior to the Neptune migration, after which the Neptune migration disturbed Pluto's initial orbit and captured it resonantly.
The Nice model calculations required the inclusion of about 1,000 Pluto-sized objects in the primordial planetary disk, including Triton and Eris.