Blackstone Code 2045
People at the bottom like to talk about high-rise buildings.
Just like those people drinking a large glass of cheap beer at ninety-nine cents in a tavern with a few letters on the roadside signboard that are not lit.
What they like most is to discuss how the federal president is, how the cabinet members are, how international trends are developing, and where there will be more opportunities!
It's as if each of these people has an extremely prominent identity and background, and the things they discuss can determine the lives and work of millions of people!
They are just ordinary people at the bottom of society. Their knowledge of their living and working environment is limited to the neighbors who live around them, or those who live in the same corridor.
In terms of work, it goes beyond an assembly line or a single workshop.
They may not even know who is the supervisor responsible for organizing production on the next door assembly line or in the next door workshop, let alone the middle and senior managers of the company where they work.
Maybe you haven’t even heard of the name!
This is the true essence of life. People standing in the valley always look at the top of the mountain, not halfway up the mountain.
The house that Noel used to spy on the doctor and Joanna was burglarized, so some information was circulated, which is actually not very tenable.
A thief robbed this house. Doesn't he know about the Brothers Grimm and who Noel is?
In fact, it is possible. Those gang members who hang out on the streets may have heard of Noel's name, but who has really seen him?
Moreover, burglars don’t care who owns the house they’re burglarizing, they just want what’s inside.
But these things are too coincidental.
It's easy for Lynch to make these stories seem so coincidental, he just has to say it.
But if the Security Committee wants to refute what he said and prove that he is lying, it must provide tangible evidence!
A clean slate may be the best protection for vulnerable groups!
The person in charge of the Security Committee's assassination of Mr. President was silent for a while, and finally decided not to interrupt or refute. He would treat every word and word that Lynch said with suspicion.
Mr. President also understood at this time that the Security Committee might have some doubts about Lynch, so Lin Qi came to find him.
This is an opportunity for him and Lynch to develop a more reliable relationship.
Rather than sticking to neutrality and getting nothing with only one year and eight months left in the term, it would be better to turn to Lynch, at least in this way, you can leave enough benefits for yourself.
Mr. President glanced at the person in charge, "This project is very special and has great influence."
"We cannot make any groundless accusations. You can doubt anything with a skeptical attitude, but don't make mistakes without concrete evidence!"
This sentence sounded like it was from a neutral position, but the person in charge could tell that the president was already leaning towards Lynch.
Lynch could hear it too.
It's like two players on the court in a competition, one of them punched the other, but the referee didn't see it.
But the person who was beaten began to try to fight back. At this time, the referee came over and told him to be sportsmanlike and keep silent about possible incentives.
.... It seems neutral, but in fact it has long been biased to unknown places.
The person in charge nodded, indicating that he knew this very well.
"Mr. Lynch, you are Mr. Trueman's best friend. Has he ever mentioned to you that anyone might hurt him, or that what he is doing will hurt someone?"
Lynch looked at the person in charge and shook his head slightly, "We all know who is most likely behind this incident, and you also know, and may know more than me."
"Even if I tell you my opinion, does it make sense to solve the entire case?"
Lynch's rhetorical question caused both the person in charge and the president to fall into silence. The last thing Mr. Trueman was doing was drafting the "Draft Amendment to the Antitrust Law."
Then he died, and then some of the scholars and experts who participated in drafting the amendments either had accidents or committed suicide.
Even the workers in the factory don't believe it if there is no connection.
The Security Committee also knows about these situations, but what's the use?
The goals are too big and too big, and their attitude towards big capitalists is the same as towards Lynch.
It's just a little bit of testing, but even then there may be a counterattack like a storm.
The person in charge smiled awkwardly and did not continue to argue.
Then the president felt that he had nothing to ask, so he stood up and planned to leave.
"Will you come with me?"
"It just so happens that I have something I want to talk to you about..."
Mr. President's invitation once again made the person in charge feel troublesome. He did not say anything, and Lynch also stood up.
He adjusted his clothes, and when he was about to leave the room, he suddenly said as if something had occurred to him, "Why don't you find out how those leaked documents were handed over to the media?"
After saying that, Lin Qi turned around and left with a smile. The person in charge looked at Lin Qi's leaving figure and did not go to see him off, but sat back directly on the sofa.
At this time, someone came in from outside the door, and according to the federal constitution and laws, without informing the president.
No agency can covertly videotape or record the federal president. The Security Council is a federal agency, so they must follow the rules.
Some people will say, look, there are many people who recorded the president without his knowledge. Have these people committed crimes?
Yes, they have all committed a crime and will face charges if found.
Although it says you can't record, that doesn't mean you can't eavesdrop.
The person who came in sat next to the person in charge and asked, "What do you think?"
The person in charge replied thoughtfully, "Lynch may be lying, but we can't find evidence that he lied so far."
The man also nodded, "I see it that way too."
"Mr. Trueman entrusted Lynch to investigate these matters, which shows that he already has the most basic suspicions, otherwise he would not let Lynch do this."
鈥槧滠濂囩粰浜啕笖钖﹀畾镄卭粨璁Monkey纴浠栠fine Hao€鐤戞滠濂囨槸钖﹀彰闱笲悧锛熲€?/p>
’/p>... What is the disease chain?/p>
The disease Chained deer sickle Save€?/p>
浠栧洖蹇嗙彃鍒氰氰堠鍜屾滠濂囩殑瀵 silicon 瘽锛屽洖蹇嗙潃鏋楀鄄勯氮閮ㄧ珏鑺 effect彉鍖栵纴浠栨剤鍙戠殑璁やnegative锛屾滠濂囧湪皇暫暫雃囃€屼笖涓嶆鍦ㄤ竴涓棣棣树笂笇笇隆?/p>
描卞嚚鏄€︹€︽滠濂囧湪 forging婅瘔浠栵纴浠栨鍦ㄨ璋庺竴镙峰璒
涓€涓嚭鑹鈬殑璧鈬湰瀹簹纴颢氖卙 mutually粷瀵 笉浼/p>
鋋楀鏄彲浠ヤ綔涓火锴钖嶆 limiting瀹㈠媪媔緟鄄勶纴鐗 returned to the scroll and fried 厛鐢黻杩囷纴桂恂灉鋋楀浠庺连锛屼粬浼氭垚涓红丈闾﹀巻鍙嬂鬂 chain€浼緷ぇ镄勬嬌娌毲涔嬩竴锛?/p>
锲犱negative鋋楀镄勪釜浜红兘锷涙箮鐗 returned to the rotation and fried 厛鐢绻嚜箸翿忮红殑钖屾椂锛屾滠濂囧彲浠ュ仛卒版洿娌℃湁搴kuang Howl?/p>
The key to the umbrella is the key to the success of the project.
浠栦笉娓呮锛屼絵浠栦 fine掼炴竻妤氲UM掜涗簨鎯呫€?/p>
鍙﹀涓€杈縸纴鋋楀鍜屾€鍤粺鍏堢擓浠庡畨洮敾fine hao wedding鄴澶ч醬璧板皭鉉ワ纴鑴镐欂闅愯挌镌€锛屼絵娌℃湁瀹屽叏钘忓ソ镄勫戗爞敹鏁涗 Jian Bifeng浵銆?/p>
锛鍤粺鍏堢铓链€璇bee笓涓€钖屽哓钖卂偣涓滆タ锛屾鞞跺Where 缁忔槸娣卞浜嗭纴浠栨 Disease chain夋嫆缁濄€?/p>
Chain 浵浜旇di捞︾殑枞﹂槦涓€炂氲紑瀹夊浼氱殑pot滆捦溴涶栭捙卙堟潵浜嗗ソ鍑犺di杞︺€?/p>
锛鍤粺鍏堢擓杩欐嬠頉鉉uke simply 涓€鍙f皵锛岃鍙淀溇偣鵵 Flag 鴴鍏多第枞﹁甛屽憡璇変第浠UM浜涢兘鏄嚜Chen changed into Han Dynasty?/p>
/p >
浠ュ尛囃丈闾︽€鍤粺籱炴狠娌娌婷蔷$殑鍑hong锛屼篃珏 change 袱涓夎综合杞︼纴鐢氰鑖鏄竴洈崼篃灏?/p> … . .囦笉姝竴娆★纴洔綶笉槝㈡湁涓€涓汉淝谬鍒獃彃銆?/p>
/p >
鐩村匌鐗 returned to the village and returned to the village.
铋楀涔熼涓红钖倀殑飣 browse Jane 飣 Rose ご锛屸€annihilate 铓 forging mustard槸澶╀富璧愪篑鎴戈sliding chain€翊濄愄勮综合瀵粋纴瀹冭紴Zan Lou Chan卒囥€偗€?/p>
鈥滆 umbrella涓や鉜澶氭湀镄勬椂邂氉mutual鏉ワ纴Huan犳 disease chain夎〃鐜隭瀵 silicon umbrella浜涗簨鎯呮劅鍏援镄勬叏鍐碉纴杩樻槧璇达纴chain変粈涔徟垜涓涓煡昆昶涶殑浜欫嬏锏鍙戠敓浜嗗悧攛熲€?/p>
绛変粬鎯莯槑MACe mustard Quenching€?/p>
鎸変粬tweezerfan鄄勬兂娉曪纴浠栨妦姝 Tab篃氓掰玺拰鍒mixed umbrella crepe new 簨鎯呴姷闱纴鑳 borrowed 窇澶氲turn 珏窇澶氲turn What? /p>
鍙埄鐩婂姩浜浜嗗埄鐩婄殑閖 manuscript紩锷掅€?/p>
∥ﻀ篃璁综合垜涓嶈杩欎箞邂€︹€︹€濓纴鋋楀effect綋镄勫啀娆℃偁Read掍笠栠栦竴涓嬶纴濡四灉浠栫桡敄勮Umbrella 涔徟兂锛屼粬笏瀏玹竴涓瘽棰radio纴篕粬娌℃湁銆?/p>
镐鍤粺鍏堢擓涔獏堋牋捦獉ワ纴浠栬Вread Lou Jianjuan€涶嬶纴鈥撒椴佹浖鍏堢擓鍦ㄥ哓骞村崄浜屾湀鍒濓纴龾玎浜啕竴珏丸畾chain綸啕鍙beejun銆偗€?/p>
鈥槧垜钖庢浵璇㈤棶浜啕嫴涓嬩紴浜涗Han 锛倀壒椴佶浖鍏堢擓姣忛殧涓€娈Matt 椂邂达纴閮婷杩欎箞管Hydrogen 竴娆°€嗗€?/p>
鈥滀粬笛chenㄧず锛岃UM恏役啕鍙beejunzhang往兘消兘鎷嗗紑锛屾槸浠栨湰浜 Honggong鍐欙纴鍙戝皭锛屽稨鍏ㄤ笉鐢ㄨ€冭 threshold /p>
鈥槧墍浠ュ湪洴戞帴鍒鍒捒獒灏刹啕鍙bee jun涔尠锛屾 disease chain夊叾浠栦Han鐭ラ死杩欓崷闱㈡湁浠€涔嬬纴鐩村匌鎴戠湅Nau丸畠'︹€︹€?/p>
銆愯鐪燂纴chain€杩戜竴鐩熟敤Read庢灉阒呰鐪嬩公杩 must洿锛屾崲婧愬垏鎹纴chain楄庢综合磊澶 Pan纴
锽槧燽戠煶瀵嗙爜璇峰ぇ瀹鈥湹钘奿 fine(..)锽戠煶瀵嗙爜chain€镞╁皬璇anc洿鏂综合€緷harasschain€Jian€?/p> .
The tripod reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it