Make France Great Again
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 1132
Explain the Funeral Affairs1073The Self-Taught Crown Prince1074Young Kelvin1075Building the Transatlantic Telegraph1076France - Senegal - French Guiana10773 Lines Laid Together1078Transoceanic Telegraph, Start!1079The Worried Son1080Welcome Back the Emperor1081The Crown Prince's Debut1082Appointment of General McMahon1083Prelude to Personnel Adjustments1084Conrobert Wants to Resign1085Transferred to Governor-General of Algeria1086Return to Fontainebleau1087Seek Asylum1088Grand Ceremony (Part 1)1089Ask for Leave1090Ode1091I Am the Emperor of the French1092"Veterans' Rights Protection"1093Education Cannot Be Relaxed Even for a Moment1094Transformation of the Kingdom of Sardinia1095Immature Crown Prince1096Not a Great Opening1097Cavour Is Outputting10983 Points Mediterranean Concept1099Limited Support1100Reached 1 Consensus1101Cavour on the Run1102Double Heroes Club (Part 1)1103Double Heroes Club (Part 2)1104Planning an Uprising1105Giuseppe Garibaldi1106Analyze Napoleon's Motivations1107Combine Vertically and Horizontally1108Abandon Sardinia1109Cooperate Eagerly1110Unknowingly Leaking Secrets1111Successor1112Current Situation Analysis1113Establish No-Sea Zone1114Touting Warships1115Admiralty on Forced Rest1116Flowers Under the Empire State Building1117Imperial Culture Struggle1118Agree to Meet1119Fontainebleau Telegraph Room1120Meeting1121Cavour on the Wire Rope1122