Chapter 1554 "Little Citizen"
Dante's Divine Comedy has Virgil as her mentor and guide, and Georgiana does not intend to let the Corsican play this role.
However, it is undeniable that "dating" him in Paris is indeed different from most people.
At the Carnival in Venice, nobles dressed as commoners and commoners dressed as nobles would wear masks and gather together in the crowded narrow streets to sing and dance. The Saint Laurent Market on the Right Bank of the Seine in Paris and the Saint-Germain Market on the Left Bank in Paris have been declining since the French Revolution, so the Temple Avenue wine has become an indispensable place for celebrating festivals and holding performances.
The center of this avenue is located at the Arc de Triomphe of Saint-Denis, the Porte of Saint-Martin and the Rue Angoulême. The working class is not willing to step into the wealthy area still ruled by the old system. People will really feel the difference between the two worlds on this road.
However, there are many theaters and stages on both sides of this road. Every night, there are always scenes of assassination, poisoning or strangulation in various comedy performances on both sides of the road. Some large theaters can accommodate more than 3,000 seats, and small The theater can also accommodate five hundred people. In front of the ticket counter, the seat attendant Gao Sheng announced the program schedule or advertised a certain plot, trying to attract the attention of customers, so this main road was also called "Crime Avenue".
Around this main road, a group of public carriages pulled by horses and rails was built. From the Bastille to the Madeleine Cathedral, the poor can also take a carriage after enjoying the nightlife for only a few centimes. go home.
When Napoleon was young, he couldn't afford to go to such high-end places as the French Theater. After returning to Paris from the Alps, he took her to these "unsuitable girls" places.
During the day, the cafes under the Italian-style arcades on both sides of the street are full of people. When night falls, the theater building looms under the shade of trees on both sides of the street. .
Immediately after the lights on the stage came on, a woman in gorgeous costumes danced the Bharatiya dance to music full of oriental sentiments. The dancers expressed rich emotions through body and distance, such as war and peace, love and hate, joy and happiness. sad.
This kind of dance is vigorous and powerful, with a wide range of movements, which is completely different from the cautious court dance.
There is a red dot in the center of the actor's forehead, which is similar to that of a bodhisattva, but it represents the third eye of Lord Shiva. Legend has it that when the dancer starts dancing, the eye is opened, allowing insight into the past, present and future, and it also represents the ability to pray to God.
After watching the performance, Leon would take her to the pub for a drink and supper. Harry would definitely be shocked when he first went to the Leaky Cauldron. It was dark and there were so many suspicious people in the bar. smoke here.
For some unknown reason, poor animals like black cats are regarded as the incarnation of the devil, which has been regarded as a symbol of inauspiciousness from the Middle Ages until later, and this tavern is where the "bad boys" meet.
There are also gangs in Paris, which can be roughly divided into those who wear red clothes, those who wear gray clothes, and those who wear feather hats. When they have conflicts that need to be resolved and they don’t want to use a knife to solve them, they will come to the Black Cat Tavern to negotiate.
In addition to the usual catering, this tavern also has an underground casino, but the gambling in this casino is not poker and roulette, but boxing, or kicking is more suitable.
British boxing is only allowed to use hands, while French "boxing" is only allowed to use legs. It looks a bit like the predecessor of kickboxing, but not as bloody as Muay Thai. Although the boxer's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he was not fatal. Napoleoni had exercised his lower limbs well, and Georgiana really wanted to encourage him to fight once, but other "boxers" had long legs, and his short legs would be a disadvantage, so he had to give up.
What kind of civility and courtesy do we talk about on this occasion? Of course it was going to yell, and Georgiana bet two louis d'or on "The Boxer" in the red vest, and she didn't care what the odds were, she was going to yell anyway.
Many people who came to watch the game wore masks like Napoleoni. When the dramas of assassination, poisoning, and strangulation were staged in the local theater, the real story was staged here. The underground world was of course orderly. The clean and tidy aboveground world is different, even the rich and poor areas are different.
For some aristocrats, disgrace is more unbearable than vulgarity, there are some who live in a dirty slum garret, plan a new assassination plan and don't beg for mercy from Napoleon, maybe they remember the man who was in the military academy. A Corsican foreigner who is bullied by his French classmates.
When the snack vendor passed her, she bought strawberry-flavored ice cream, which she tasted and thought was good, before she fed Bonaparte a mouthful. He left so many things to play with her, so he should be rewarded, shouldn't he?
They didn't step into the carriage until early in the morning. At this time, the streets of Paris were already filled with thick fog. It didn't look like Paris at all, but it looked like London.
After the car door closed, he started to behave unruly, and she let him do whatever he wanted for a while, then pushed him away.
He was almost thrown to the ground, and she took this opportunity to tighten the shawl on her body.
"Why say no," he said in grotesque French.
"Aren't you still regretting the past two days?" She said angrily, "There are still so many troubles waiting for you to deal with."
He leaned over and hugged her like a little prodigal.
"I have been in that house." Napoleoni said softly in her ear, "That room is called leones, and the books stored in it are not only history, but also monsters, demons and ghosts, and scientific works."
Georgiana tasted it.
"A real genius." She couldn't help but say like Ron, "It's all lies."
"I can see why there are unicorn books in there, but why science..."
"Unicorns exist," Georgiana said solemnly.
Napoleoni shook his head in disbelief.
"I just don't understand why they would put science books where they think they're making up lies."
Georgiana thought of the thesis where the scientist said global warming was caused by cows farting to create greenhouse gases.
"Maybe it's because science has replaced theology to explain everything," Georgiana said. "Do you believe there are things that science can't explain?"
"For example?"
The French academician did not scoff.
He raised his hand and used his thumb to gather the hair around her ear behind her ear.
"Are you happy today?"
She nodded.
"Do you think you'll still love me?"
She didn't answer right away.
She still remembered how he walked in front of her when he took her to the underground tavern, looking very free and easy, full of confidence and manliness.
"I can feel it." He said softly, "There is someone else in your heart."
She thinks it's not that difficult to guess.
"I understand your pain." He said sadly, "This is what I'm going through right now."
"What's that book about unicorns?" she began to change the subject.
He was silent for a while and said, "That book is about how to set traps to catch unicorns, the kind of animals that like pure maidens."
Georgiana was stunned.
"Which room do you think you would go to if you went to that house?"
"Then I'll do the crossword puzzle first," she said teasingly.
"I heard that there is a room that has never been opened," he said. "Fons adae, do you know what that means?"
"It's Latin for the origin of Adam," Georgiana whispered.
He laughed, "Why is it Adam instead of Eve?"
"I think it's obvious, isn't it?" Georgiana said calmly, "God created a partner for him to make Adam live a better life. As for Eve's happiness, God doesn't care, because Adam is His beloved son."
Napoleoni stared at her.
"Women are not toys, Leon, don't fight and play like children," Georgiana said. It was the story she had just heard. There was a duel between two young men because of a blonde girl. Neither of them died. Both young men were exiled to Guyana, and the blonde was still dancing in the ballroom, nicknamed "Golden Helmet" because her hair was like a golden helmet.
He rebelliously said "No!"
Then he leaned down and kissed her again.
Georgiana heard a gunshot and almost subconsciously remembered the escaped sharpshooter Fourgne.
"The windows are not broken." Bonaparte reminded in a low voice, "I'm fine."
"What's the matter?" Georgiana asked.
"This is a sinful city." Napoleoni said wearily as he collapsed on the sofa, "Don't make a fuss when you hear gunshots."
She couldn't explain it.
"Maybe God's purpose in creating Eve was to make him live a happy life, but I think what he did was completely counterproductive." Leon said calmly.
"I wish you happiness," she whispered.
He sneered in disbelief, and hugged her tightly. That arm was stronger than she thought, after all, he was also the one who had raised the military flag.