Chapter 2460 "Out of the Jungle" (5)
The legacy of the feudal age, which Georgiana saw not in churches with rose windows and sacristies but in chaos, is fully represented on this map.
These plots for sale and lease belong to various associations, localities, professional guilds, secular, religious, etc. The location of St. Anne's Abbey may have formerly been a convent area. There are other monasteries, and the Abbess' Castle is just down the Melati Trail through the woods.
The pronunciation of melati is similar to the Dutch melaats, which means leprosy, and the monastery will provide a place of rest and refuge for the poor, so this has always been the case in this area.
During the Great Revolution, many buildings were demolished. For example, the place where the restaurant is located used to be the residence of nuns. The chapel was left with only an empty shell. All the bells in the church were demolished for the coinage, not just the church bells. Even the bronze horse sculpture placed by the Governor of Austria on the square was melted down.
Who wants to "camp" when the shelters for the poor are gone? As a result, these people who were already on the verge of desperation became even more angry, and they might even be the ones who attacked the sentinels in the city.
Raggert's father was a wine merchant, but he is now the Dutch ambassador in Paris. He has poor eyesight and needs someone to read aloud to understand the content of the document. Usually his wife Catherine is in charge, but she did not accompany him this time because she was with Joseph's wife Julie.
Georgiana observed his eyes. He may be suffering from cataracts, which can be resolved with surgery.
But everyone has their own ideas, and I don't know if it's because of his physical disability. He was very impatient when facing the secretary, but he still expressed some of his opinions in the conversation.
After the murder of Xueyue, Napoleon was already planning to transform the densely packed and intertwined dark streets in Paris. These small streets are easy to dig trenches and build barricades, but the most important thing is the private gardens closed by the big families, which are forbidden to the outside world. open. These are the products of the old order. Napoleon renovated the Tuileries Palace and the Luxembourg Gardens and opened them as public places.
Conspiracies and tricks are all behind closed doors. Who would conspire in public view? It was the arena of orators, "whose smooth tongues can effortlessly seize the minds of inexperienced citizens and manipulate them at will," as Grindelwald did at Cemetery Lachaise.
Of course Raggett didn't know Grindelwald, he cited other examples. Dutch history bears witness to the fact that the Dutch did not lack for unwavering courage, as William III of Orange did against the combined forces of Louis XIV and Charles II of England.
If you agree with this statement, then you may be an orange party member. In 1789, the Austrian and Brabantine rebels opened fire on the streets of Brussels, and then the French stormed the Bastille. , it seemed that the Netherlands had hope of taking back Belgium with the assistance of Great Britain and Prussia.
Some people still miss the Dutch Republic during the period known as the "sea coachman", but that means welcoming back William V who was driven out of the Netherlands in 1787. It was also the task of the patriots at that time to prevent the Orange faction from rising again.
Ah, what happened?
You only live once, remember not to attend strange gatherings and listen to the rumors of monsters.
Old fools and old lunatics often talk about "greater good", what does that mean?
Victims hope that justice will be done. In the wolf pack, the wolf king will bring food to the bottom wolves instead of letting them starve to death, because for the wolf king, the bigger the wolf pack, the better the survivability (good) . On the contrary, the middle-level wolf has been hovering around the bottom-level wolf, waiting for an opportunity to snatch the food in its mouth.
Do the bottom-level wolves like the king wolf more, or do the middle-level wolves snatch the food in its mouth?
Grindelwald doesn't hate Muggles. He lives in a castle. Bread and jam won't appear by themselves. They need people to plant and collect them. Voldemort wants to kill all Muggles. As for these jobs, don't there still be house elves?
There have been so many wizarding trials in human history, but the Salem wizarding trial in 1692 made the wizarding world determined to separate from the Muggle world. Some wizarding scholars have studied this reason, but it is generally believed that the result is due to the implementation of a constitutional monarchy in the United Kingdom. In the past, people studied the pros and cons of the rule of one person, the rule of a few, and the rule of a majority.
The Salem Witch Trial happened to be the first influential witchcraft trial after the "Glorious Revolution", although the Pope participated in the trial of "Therapist" Michele in the previous records of the Udine Trial , and was in the period of the Reformation.
Compared with religious punishment, waiting for the doomsday judgment, watching the wicked be hanged or more just reflects justice, and justice has been done. Indulgences have shaken the original rule that one can accumulate good deeds and go to heaven by doing good deeds. The church also has canon law. In the Middle Ages, they also managed contracts such as cadastres, and stipulated that the contract came into effect. Once the money was delivered, the contract was concluded.
Rousseau's social contract theory is that everyone joins the society and hands over their power to a wise leader. The individual of each party disappears and is replaced by a united whole with common interests. Booth can be called a country here, but Rousseau put forward the concept of "sovereignty", and what the sovereign must exercise is the will of all the people in a community.
The king built the palace, and he closed it to the subjects who built it, although the nobles who lived in it did not move a single brick.
The expansion of the Louvre should be open to citizens and even foreigners. The park is not a private garden, and it is not arbitrary to put or remove any sculptures.
But Napoleon was authorized by the French people, and in theory he represented the will of all the people. However, the sculptures he dismantled and put up did not necessarily fully conform to the wishes of the people, or people prefer to believe that it was his own will.
It is impossible to build a toilet without a referendum, and it is impossible to build a prison without a vote. However, there has been an outbreak of typhoid fever in Wilford Prison. Although typhoid fever is not like the black death, it is also an infectious disease, and the death toll is rising. It is much faster to exercise dictatorship in this emergency than it takes 17 years to pass the bill.
Typhoid fever, like cholera, is caused by unclean water, but people in this era believe that these two diseases are airborne. If the problem of drinking water and excrement is not solved, even a ventilated panorama prison will not solve the problem.
Beer is used as a substitute for water in many cases, even middle-income people. If poor people who cannot afford beer drink unclean water and cause typhoid outbreaks, is she doing a good thing or a bad thing?
Although it is winter now, the corpses buried in the ground will not rot so quickly, but there is still rain and melted snow. Who knows what the direction of the underground river will be?
"It's better to choose a place far away from densely populated areas..." Raggett suddenly looked out the window when he arrived here.
"What's the matter?" Georgiana asked.
"I think . . . I heard something," said Raggett.
She listened attentively, and was about to say that he was being paranoid when she heard a gunshot.
"There are assassins!" Someone shouted, and then there were gunshots one after another.