Seeking the Way of Immortality
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 2625
Power of Lights1997Power of Lights1998Power of the Lamp1999Spiritual Consciousness Surges2000Spiritual Consciousness Surges2001Spiritual Consciousness Surges2002Thoughts Are Clear2003Thoughts Are Clear2004Thoughts Are Clear2005Leave Wu Zhiming2006Leave Wu Zhiming2007Leave Wu Zhiming2008Separation2009Separation2010Separation2011Xue Ting Survives the Catastrophe2012Xue Ting Survives the Catastrophe2013Xue Ting Survives the Catastrophe2014Phoenix True Fire2015Phoenix True Fire2016Phoenix True Fire2017Many Small Advances2018Many Small Advances2019Many Small Advances2020Go to the North Sea Forest2021Go to the North Sea Forest2022Go to the North Sea Forest2023New Master of the Bi Ling Hall2024New Master of the Bi Ling Hall2025New Master of the Bi Ling Hall2026Father and Son Discuss the Law2027Father and Son Discuss the Law2028Father and Son Discuss the Law2029North Sea Strongman2030North Sea Strongman2031North Sea Strongman2032Crystal Palace2033Crystal Palace2034Crystal Palace2035Lord of the Crystal Palace2036Lord of the Crystal Palace2037Lord of the Crystal Palace2038Demon Ancestor2039Demon Ancestor2040Demon Ancestor2041Magic Power of Creation2042Magic Power of Creation2043Magic Power of Creation2044《Sublimation of the Extreme》2045《Sublimation of the Extreme》2046