This Is What Ravenclaw Looks Like.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 509
Opened Box431Distribution Completed (Supplement)432Expensive Additions433Crown Acquisition434New Research Object435New Semester436Professor Nina's Request for Help437A Great Gift for the Professor438Are You Kidding Me?439A Waste of Money440Smooth Study Time441Thunder During Easter Holiday442Are You Here to Send the Champion?443Karkaroff's Backstab444Expected Trouble445Planned Dismissal446Lockhart Item Unlock447What the Hell?448Who Doesn't Like to Have Fun?449Professor Nina's Departure450From History of Magic to Karkaroff451Andrew's Reminder452The Dark Lord's Wrath453The Triwizard Tournament Reform454OWLs Month455Exams and Tests456End of the School Year457End of the School Year and Summer Schedule458Pre-Departure Conversation459The Hogwarts Express that Never Fails (Happy New Year)460Busy Summer Vacation461Homecoming and Final Argument462Going to Kodos Dorez463Kodosdorez464Bears and Dungeons465Endless Inferi466Are You Guys Serious?467The Training of Fighting468Continue the Adventure469I Also Want to Make A470Third-Rate Duelist471Speedrunning at Full Strength472Back to School, Preparing for the Four-School League473Tom and Voldemort474Madman and Bertha475Level Design476Limitations477The Ridiculously Difficult Transfiguration Board478Percy and the Twins' Holiday479Sorry, Professor, I Refuse480