New Books Will Be Uploaded Around 2 Pm on June 1 (See the Editor for Details)
Storm took a little longer than I thought, just a little bit.
It’s not that I’m procrastinating on purpose, but there are still some things I want to write. After all, it’s 7.0 and I want to make the most significant magic changes. There are a lot of things I explained before, otherwise it would be too abrupt.
The new book and the old book are the same as the previous one. I also started Storm when Shadow was about to end.
I am the king of completion, so don’t worry about not being able to finish the storm.
May is not completely over, sorry.
And Ziyun Widow Meng, Yunfei is very grateful for your reward, but he has to pay it back... I wonder if I can add an update. Anyway, this book is not finished yet, so let’s move on to the new book.
Amen...Buddha will forgive me.